Gain the necessary development experience for successful employment with pet projects from Neobook

The first library of commercial IT pet projects with up-to-date tasks for self-practice for interns and junior programmers
We've developed everything necessary for each pet project: specifications, server-side components, design, a list of materials and technologies, so you can focus on programming
Every month, our collection grows by 3 pet projects in each of the 5 development directions: iOS, Android, Flutter, Web Frontend, and Backend
How Neobook will help you?
We've been in your shoes! And we know for sure that starting in IT today is only possible with a strong foundation and real experience solving commercial tasks. And gaining this experience at the beginning can be challenging...
Practically the only solution for interns and junior developers to hone real programming skills is through pet projects, the creation of which consumes time, energy, and nerves
How to understand which pet project to do to get hired if you don't have experience in developing real commercial IT products?
We found a solution!
We've created a ready-made collection of pet projects with real tasks for interns and junior programmers, where all the necessary materials for their implementation are available - from the application's usage scenario to backend documentation
Neobook is not just a pet project in the format of a handbook, but a real exclusive club for interns and junior programmers
With us, it's great and enjoyable to grow. Here, you won't just create a strong case for your portfolio, but also enhance the skills necessary for a successful start to your career as a junior developer
club neobook
Neobook is for you if you're a beginner programmer, but so much more...
You didn't receive an invitation to an interview, even though you've sent your resume to companies multiple times
You're having trouble finding a job for a Junior position
You haven't created a strong resume because you lack real cases
You don't understand how a real IT product is developed and what functionality it should have
The requirements for junior developers are constantly increasing
Having a solid foundation in programming alone is no longer sufficient to start in IT.
Junior developer positions are occupied by experienced, proactive, and enthusiastic programmers with strong portfolios.
Template projects in resumes do not attract employers
Your resume consists of academic projects lacking relevant business tasks and user application scenarios. You constantly send out your portfolio but still haven't received any interview invitations.
You lack an understanding of the tasks you'll be performing in real projects
You wonder what awaits you in commercial projects. It's difficult and scary for you to go through interviews or send out your own resume. You're not confident in your level of knowledge.
You spend a lot of time on "other people's tasks" to create pet projects
To create an impressive pet project for skill enhancement and resume building, you have to spend energy and time searching for project ideas, creating design, server-side, and API.
Lack of experience working with clients and real tasks
The main difference with educational tasks is their lack of realism. This leaves you with a lack of understanding of how your professional tasks will actually look like in practice when working in a team.
You repeat ready-made solutions from the internet for your pet projects but don't understand why they work
On YouTube, you find ready-made pet projects for practicing skills, but you don't learn to work independently and create your own solutions to the tasks at hand.
We've found a solution to these problems! In Neobook, you get everything you need to create cool projects for your resume and kickstart your career:
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We've described all the tasks you need to complete so that you can track your progress. Additionally, we've outlined a detailed technical specification just like IT companies do.
A detailed technical specification and a step-by-step work plan.
We've prepared all the project's APIs and assembled a collection of resources and materials on the technologies you'll need to apply in the project.
API and all
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We've created a detailed description of the user story and designed each stage. All you need to do is implement it into the project.
UI/UX design and
user story.
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Working on tasks and projects that are currently in demand in the market
Neobook создан действующими middle и senior-разработчиками, которые собрали для тебя самые актуальные и типовые проекты локальных и международных компаний.
Additional study materials for studying
In each Neobook project, there are all additional materials, technologies, and resources selected by an experienced developer for the successful completion of your project.
3 levels of difficulty - easy, medium, hard
You can choose a comfortable level of difficulty for yourself to improve your knowledge and skills and increase it if necessary.
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Also, within the club, you receive:
Technical support
The Neobook team is always available to make changes to the design, backend documentation, or additional materials if necessary.
A strong community where you can always get help!
Neobook is a club where ambitious and driven junior developers gather. You will be up to date with the latest news and trends in IT, find a buddy for communication, or ask a question for discussion in our community!
A collection of pet projects
Real projects that you can easily implement.
And most importantly, with pet projects from Neobook, you will feel like an active developer who is creating a commercial project:
receives assignments from the project,
immerses themselves in business processes,
and solves existing development tasks.
After all, our guide is a real project of IT companies that we have compiled into a convenient format for self-practice!
What department can you choose?
Web Frontend
Java Script
Neobook is perfect for you if you:
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You know how to work with basic visual components: lists, grids,
You have implemented at least 1-2 mini-projects in your field
You know how to basicially connect APIs
You've practiced for 1-2 months in your field (iOS, Android, Flutter, Web Frontend)
ou've studied the basics of programming for at least 3 months
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Your result in Neobook is:
A GitHub filled with up-to-date IT projects and well-structured commits
in each of them
A strong portfolio for your resume and LinkedIn profile, showcasing
a minimum of 6 real commercial
Participation in a community of ambitious developers, where you'll make new friends and stay up to date with all the news and trends in the IT industry.
Noticeable growth in programming
skills due to focusing on
solving professional tasks.
Practical experience in creating IT products in your field, as well as new libraries and technologies that will assist you in your work.
Understanding of project implementation processes in real companies and your tasks when developing applications in any IT company.
What projects can you develop?
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Access: 3 months

Library of IT projects for development in one of 5 directions: iOS, Android, Flutter, Web Frontend, Backend

Ability to choose difficulty level: Easy, Middle, Hard

All necessary materials for project development

List of technologies and libraries for each project

Project execution plan

Chat with like-minded people

3 month
Access: 3 months

Library of IT projects for development in one of 5 directions: iOS, Android, Flutter, Web Frontend, Backend

Ability to choose difficulty level: Easy, Middle, Hard

All necessary materials for project development

List of technologies and libraries for each project

Project execution plan

Chat with like-minded people
12 month
Access: 6 months

Library of IT projects for development in one of 5 directions: iOS, Android, Flutter, Web Frontend, Backend

Ability to choose difficulty level: Easy, Middle, Hard

All necessary materials for project development

List of technologies and libraries for each project

Project execution plan

Chat with like-minded people

6 month
What do you get after payment?
Access to a closed community of programmers on Slack
Neobook chat, where all club members communicate and exchange experiences. There you can get support and learn the latest news and trends in IT.
Access to our platform with projects and additional materials
to studying
We have created a convenient, structured format where you will find a collection of current IT projects for development and all the necessary materials for their implementation.
Technical support for projects
The Neobook development team is always available to help resolve issues with
design, backend documentation, or to supplement the technical
specification if needed.
Afraid it won't work out?
Try 1 project for just $5
Submit your application now, get access to one IT project from Neobook, and start working on implementing your first real project.
We've assembled a strong team to help you succeed
A team of over 15 specialists from various fields works on creating each project. Each expert in their field has contributed their knowledge and experience to this project so that you can gain relevant knowledge and valuable skills during development.
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Neobook author
Sandra Madzhikova
Founder of the Neobis Successful Programmers Club, with 7 years of experience in the IT field, former iOS developer, received an offer from Meta as a programmer, creator of the 21DaysCodingChallenge.
Санира Маджикова
Neobook Team Lead
Beksultan Maratov
Automation Manager at Neobis. 6 years in IT, former Data Analyst, Middle Back-end, and iOS developer. Python Department Mentor at Neobis Club.
Санира Маджикова
Neobook projects coordinator
Khabibulaev Khairidin
An IT project manager with 4 years of experience. In the past, he was the Coordinator of IT projects at Neobis Clubs. He led international projects in the field of education, construction, tourism, etc.
UX/UI designer
Aziret Isakov
Team Lead design department at the Neobis club. UX/UI designer at Optima Bank. 2+ years of work experience. He has successfully implemented more than 20 designs for projects from different fields.
Азирет Исаков
iOS developer
Rapkat Baudunov
iOS developer at with more than 3 years of experience. Mentor and former team lead of the iOS department at Neobis programming club.
Рапкат Баудунов
Project Manager
Aidana Talasbaeva
Project manager with more than 2 years of experience. Team Lead of the Project Management Department at the Neobis Programming Club.
Айдана Таласбаева
Back-end developer
Erzhan Muratov
Python Backend developer with more than 2 years of experience and more than 1 year of commercial experience. Mentor at the Neobis Programming club. Python Backend is a developer at the international company Apofiz.
UX/UI designer
Tatiana Kulalina
UX/UI designer with 1.5 years of experience. Designer at the company Attractor and the international IT company Apex.
Android developer
Yryskeldi Nurlanbek
Android developer. In the past, Team Lead Android department at Neobis. 3 years of experience in Android development. He taught individual courses on the basics of Java at the Neolabs Educational Center.
Back-end developer
Imamidinov Agahan
Team Lead of the Python Department at Neobis, lecturer of Digital Nomad courses. 1.5+ years of work experience in the IT field.
UX/UI designer
Begayim Nurdin kyzy
UX/UI designer with over 1 year of experience. Designed for projects in various domains such as fintech, e-commerce, edtech, CRM. Designer at WeDevs company.
Frontend developer
Kushbak Mamytov
Team Lead Frontend department at Neobis, Frontend developer at Aermetric. 3 years in the IT field.
You're in the right place.
For over 7 years, we've been helping programmers improve their skills and succeed in employment. Our flagship product, Neobis Club, has over 600+ graduates whom we are proud of! We create a strong community where it's great and enjoyable to grow. Join us!
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We answer the questions:
Any questions?
Write to our manager, and he will answer all your questions.
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